A new Ride Share Program RevoRide is launching in the next 30 days to compete with Uber
and Lyft and it should be huge based on the following. You can get in now at no cost as
either driver a client or an agent to refer this to others.
Here’s how the Driver benefits:
Driver keeps 90% of all fairs and 100% of tips.
Driver earns 100% of the mileage fees – $1 that
goes into the referral program.
They receive residual earnings for every driver and
client referred into the program.
The referral earns 20% of what we just covered above.
$1 per ride or $6 per month or $50 per year.
Decentralized ownership and valuation because Revo ride is being run on the BlockChain.
BlockChain is what Cryptocurrency is based on.
One of the great benefits of this is much less administrative expense. Meaning more money
for the drivers and all involved. More great info to come.
Go to the following page to signup. It will ask for a Referral Email Address use (copy and paste) sjslifep@mindspring.com https://revoride.com/register.php?ref=10988530
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