All posts by James Sapp

30 Years experience as an Internet Marketing Professional. Always having the pulse on the latest trends and opportunities. If you don't have Blockchain and AI Technology working for you, you will be left behind. Contact me as I'm working with the top Blockchain experts in the world.

BlockChain Video WHAT IS A NODE Win Nodes for Revo RideShare Crypto Gotta Check This Out.

What is a BlockChain Node – Great Video Below.
BlockChain what is a Node Win Nodes for Revo RideShare Crypto

Here is where you can signup and get your free BlockChain wallet.

What is a blockchain node.
To answer this question let’s first consider the rise of shared marketplaces like Uber Airbnb, and Door Dash.

How is it that the largest Transportation Company on the planet
owns no vehicles?
The largest hotel owns no properties and the largest dining
service owns no restaurants?

These companies all figured out a way to use other people’s property and rewards them for participating in this new sharing economy.

Blockchain Works in a very similar way except instead of sharing a
car or a beach house you share your computer.

Why hold that thought for a moment while I ask you another question.

Do you know how the internet works?

Take your favorite online store for example how does the website actually work how is the payment processed?

The Fulfillment, tracking, shipping how does it all work?
This is an oversimplification but the company you’re buying from
likely has thousands upon thousands of computers all housed in a central server  Farm.

Each computer is kept busy running calculations crunching numbers that make your purchase possible from the second you click your mouse to the moment it’s dropped on your doorstep.

These computers are constantly running behind the scenes
to make it all possible. Most tech companies pay millions sometimes
billions of dollars for this kind of an operation. In contrast blockchain is more like Uber, and Airbnb.

Instead of coming up with the millions of dollars to buy
all the computers to run all these calculations blockchains operate by
sharing other people’s computers thousands tens of thousands even
millions of computers all chained together to fulfill whatever the mission
is of that specific blockchain Community.

Many people think blockchain is a technology for crypto,
cryptocurrency but that’s like saying the internet is a technology for

Just like a big tech company can be created for any reason a blockchain
can be created to solve virtually any problem you can imagine.

But why would someone want to join a blockchain and
share a fraction of their computer’s power. For the same reason Uber drivers and real estate owners contribute the use of their property- rewards.

Unlike Uber, Airbnb or Door Dash where ownership and profits are
controlled by the few at the top, decentralized blockchain projects are
quite literally shared by all community members who connect their computer to a blockchain.

It all starts by purchasing a node a software license that once
installed on your computer adds that computer to the blockchain.

Your computer joins the army of other computers on the
same blockchain.

It is put to work crunching the numbers and performing calculations to assist in the work of the blockchain. In return community members who operate their node earn digital rewards for doing so.

In many cases these digital rewards can be exchanged for cryptocurrency giving members real incentive to continue running their node each and every day.

And now you know what a blockchain node is but there’s so much
more to discover. To learn more about how you can participate in a blockchain community simply speak to the person who sent you
Click below to get your Free Wallet to get Started.

BlockChain Technology Win Node Rev RideShare App and Rally Video Conferencing Smart Nodes

BlockChain Technology Win Node Rev RideShare App and Rally Video Conferencing Smart Nodes

Here is where you can signup and get your free BlockChain wallet.

Once you do I can help contact your people and get them
enrolled for you. Check out the following:

This is about the most Exciting innovation to come along
in decades.

In a nutshell. As you know you make money in business
when you either solve a problem or come up with a better
more efficient way of doing something.

In the case of this
BlockChain Technology (Internet 3.0) this not only does both
but virtually all businesses would be candidates to be run this
way. While also offering their customers to use them over their
competition by offering them rewards, which over time could be
worth something significant.

Think Bitcoin for example once worth
virtually pennies now worth what $70,000.

We will be able to drive people to this Blockchain because its a
better deal.

One application coming out May 1st (approximately) is the Rally
conference S/W. Why would you want to use Zoom anymore when
you earn rewards using this new Rally S/W.

There is the Rev Smart Node the world’s first blockchain integration rideshare app! Our model is REVOLUTIONARY to change the way transportation is done on a global scale. When you can earn rewards plus pay less why would you use Uber or Lyft?

One of our Co-founders has multiple companies doing over a Billion dollars a year in Revenue. (ERC, Credit Card Processing and others)

He believes what he can make here will dwarf his other businesses. That’s why
he sunk $54 million of his own dollars into this. He’s been working with the top
BlockChain expert in the world. He been able to see the amount of money that can be generated and while it’s not guaranteed.

I see this as one if not the only opportunity a small average Joe can lift themselves to multi-millionaire status without a huge amount of risk.

Watch this Video on what is a BlockChain Node.

Click on the link below to signup and get your free wallet
to get started..

Revo RideShare, R & D Tax Credits, Rally BlockChain, Best Home Business Side Gig Ever?

Revo RideShare, R & D Tax Credits, Rally BlockChain, Best Home Business Side Gig Ever?
Revo RideShare Side Hustle Video

This is poised to be very Big – Revo RideShare. You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and registering.

If you’re looking for a supplemental side gig that can become oh so much
more check this out.

First I would be looking for products and services that move the
needle forward. And not just a single category of products/services
especially puts you up against the big guys. If you have a wide array
of products or services to offer you will interest many more people.

However, if you really want to break free and move the needle way
forward into the future you need, well check out the following:

It has been said you will rise to the level of success of those you
associate with. I have been around and experienced first hand a
number of different companies over the past 29 years. And all of
them have been alike in this area, none have been forward thinkers.

Oh I concede that the ones that have survived have all had at least
one innovative idea, however, in almost all cases the companies
get somewhat stagnant and complacent. Not a recipe for someone
trying to make a nice income working from home.

You make money when there is excitement and a company is growing.
If you are not growing you’re falling behind.

And that is why I’m so excited to be working with Snap, Tony and Paul.
Their forward thinking is unprecedented. They have at least 4 new
programs tied together, anyone of which can be huge just by themselves.

Together Holy Cow- and one tied to another one of these has market cap
potential bigger than the total of all Direct Selling home business companies
put together.
Quite possibly bigger than the internet itself. Actually there are a number
of internet Billionaires say it is bigger a $967 Trillion market.

I encourage you to get ready. Snap is on the verge of taking off
like a Rocket Ship and those that get on board will have the
ride of their life.

What makes me think this, largely because Tony Swantek
is masterminding some projects that just look too good to fail.

Revo RideShare for example brought on by Paul Mikel. This is
going after some real heavyweights Uber and Lyft. And like
Tony said the other night most likely this would fail if they were
not doing it as part of their blockchain projects. However, with
what they are doing with the blockchain (Working with the top
blockchain expert in the world) they are poised to actually take on
Uber and Lyft and over time eat their lunch. More on the blockchain
in a little bit.

They very shortly will be launching their R & D credits. This will
be the next ERC in that because it is yearly, the residual income will
be at least as big as ERC over time.

They have new Rally S/W coming very soon designed to eventually
replace conference S/W like Zoom and others. This will allow you to
earn crypto tokens.

Let me conclude with this. Once you stop growing you will start declining
you will not maintain. This is why it is important to be working with
forward thinkers that keep moving the needle forward.

That said with some of the forward thinking move the needle forward
projects Tony Swantek is working on you could make so much money
it won’t matter if your income eventually falls back. This is what and desire
so we don’t have to keep building something up time and time again.

Registering for the Revo RideShare can get you started with all of this as it all becomes available.
See the video description for this video to register..

Be Part of a Pioneering Movement: Join a company that’s more than a rideshare. REVO is integrating into the blockchain, offering you a unique opportunity to grow wealth in the crypto currency space. Be at the forefront of a movement that values your service and financial growth.

This is poised to be very Big – Revo RideShare. You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and registering.

Revo RideShare above is on a mission to disrupt the whole RideShare and home business industry,
I invite you to come and be part of it.

Self Employment Tax Credit SETC Update for Jorns and Associates CPA’s

Self Employment Tax Credit SETC Update for Jorns and Associates CPA’s

Watch the Video above.
Update on SETC Self Employment Tax Credit – a couple of notes here.
You need to apply for this as soon as possible if you qualify, however, you have
technically until April 15 2025 to file for both 2020 and 2021 or October
2025 if you filed an extension for 2021.

There are several key things at work here to see if you qualify.
The first were you self employed or paid on a 1099 Form in 2019, 2020 or 2021.
If so, the amount on your Schedule SE Line 31 is used to calculate
what credit you receive back. Or Line 6 on Schedule C

Quick note: If what you earned in 2019 was more than 2020 you can use
2019 earnings in place of 2020.

If you had kids out of school you can get up to $200 a day for 50 days for kids under 18 (in 2020)
it is 60 days for 2021.

Now if you had Covid yourself or had to quarantine you can get up to $511 per day for
up to 10 days.

You can also claim a credit for being home taking care of a relative
for 10 days (up to $200 a day)

I am hearing it is taking about 6 months or a little longer to receive your refund. That’s the bad part,
the good part is you’re earning about 8% interest going back to when you originally filed.
So for example let’s say you file now for 2020 and 2021 and get you receive your money
about Oct. 15th of this year and let’s say you get $10k for each of those years.
You would earn about 3 and 1/2 years of 8% for each year or a total of $2800 for
2020 and You would earn about 2 and 1/2 years of 8% for each year or a total of $2000 for
2021 or about $4800 total in interest.

Here’s the point even if you don’t think you earned enough to make it worth while filing with
this, on average of 3 years interest at 8%. This just might put you into a nice profit
scenario. You should have a link in your back office for yourself or to send others to use that
looks like this.
You can check out more watch a video and even apply for SETC. CPA’s Will contact you
click on the link below:

Revo RideShare Opening Soon in Houston and Nashville Updates from March 20th,

Revo RideShare Opening Soon in Houston and Nashville
Revo RideShare Update Opening Soon in Houston and Nashville

New Revo RideShare Updates.March 20th, 2024

Well first thing New Orleans opened 3 days ago.
A test drive was conducted. At the same time of day
one same trip, one if Lyft and the other in Revo Ride.

The Revo driver earned 18% more and the rider paid about
20% less with Revo RideShare.

That’s the whole point behind Revo. The driver earns more and
the rider pays less.Simple.

The Next Big News- Two new Cities are opening very soon very
possibly by the end of the month, however the date is not confirmed yet.
They are Houston and Nashville
This is very important to do. If you have already registered as an
agent or rider, or driver. Be sure to download the Revo RideShare app
in the Apple Store or the Google Play Store.

However, it’s much more than that. It’s all the tie ins. The items that
are tied to Revo RideShare that in effect can be marketed separate
from Revo as everyone has different interests. And they can make you money
even though they are in a way marketing something else.

Effectively you are casting a much bigger net than if you are just marketing
a niche product like skin care for example.

Plus one of the items attached to this through the blockchain should allow you to
earn money off of almost any connection and I mean any connection when I say this.

It’s a mind- staggering $967 Trillion dollar market according to Bill Gates and other experts.

If you haven’t already register below as an agent or rider, or driver, or you
can be all 3.

Be Part of a Pioneering Movement: Join a company that’s more than a rideshare. REVO is integrating into the blockchain, offering you a unique opportunity to grow wealth in the crypto currency space. Be at the forefront of a movement that values your service and financial growth.

This is poised to be very Big – Revo RideShare. You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and registering.

Revo RideShare above is on a mission to disrupt the whole RideShare industry,
I invite you to come and be part of it.

Join REVO RideShare Where Every Ride is Worth More Come Join the Revolution

REVO RideShare Where Every Ride is Worth More Join the Revolution
REVO RideShare Join the Revolution

Drive, Ride and Refer with Revo where every mile is worth more.

Rideshare revenue in the United States has outpaced Taxi Revenue in the past years, and this differential is only expected to continue to grow.

A key factor in the rapid growth is that consumers, in particular younger adults,
seek to avoid the large overhead cost of owning a car.

The global RideShare market is expected to grow more than 133% between now and
2028 to a market value around $226 Billion dollars. Per the Statista Research Department (Dec 2023)

Based on all this so why REVO. Why is REVO the one to get behind.

For the Driver Maximize Earnings with Maximum Transparency:
At Revo, what you see is what you earn, Experience and Transparent earnings
and because you earn more you can boost your revenue without the need
for extra driving.
Keep more of what you earn and you retain all but a $1 of your mileage fees
and you receive 100% of your tips.

Empowering Drivers Enhancing Service: We’re not just a company; we’re a community. REVO’s driver-focused approach puts you in the driver’s seat to deliver outstanding service. Enjoy competitive earnings and additional incentives, empowering you to excel.

Unlock Limitless Earning Potential: Your influence extends beyond the driver’s seat. Tap into limitless residual earnings when you refer other drivers and passengers to join the REVO revolution.
Every referral is a step towards increasing your income and generational wealth for your family.

Quality Passengers, Quality Experience: With REVO, encounter a higher caliber of passengers. Many are part of our referral program, fostering a community of respectful and appreciative riders more likely to provide high ratings and larger tips. More income equals greater freedom for you and your family.

Be Part of a Pioneering Movement: Join a company that’s more than a rideshare. REVO is integrating into the blockchain, offering you a unique opportunity to grow wealth in the crypto currency space. Be at the forefront of a movement that values your service and financial growth.

This is poised to be very Big – Revo RideShare. You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and registering.

Revo RideShare above is on a mission to disrupt the whole RideShare industry,
I invite you to come and be part of it.

Revo RideShare More than Just Ride Share Opening in New Orleans March 17th

Revo RideShare Opening in New Orleans March 17th
Revo RideShare More than Just Ride Share

I am blown away with excitement today.
I was on a call last night that blew me away,

The REVO RideShare by itself I believe will be absolutely huge
as it closes in on Uber and Lyft and others.

However, all the others – what’s tied in with REVO RideShare is
enough to keep you up at night. We are going to disrupt more
than just RideShare. Those other tie  on’s are going to disrupt
other big industries that I know you have heard of.

This will have almost universal appeal. Almost every business
type or business will be fertile ground to approach with this.

Consider this one of the co-founders of this just did over
$10 Billion dollars in business in a little over 2 years. Yet this
has him much more excited. Excited to the point he put
his money where his mouth is and just invested over $53 million
dollars of his own money into this.

This (what is behind the running of Revo RideShare) when fully
implemented will touch almost every aspect of business in the US
and around the world.

Bill Gates has stated it will be bigger than the internet. And experts
have said this is a $967 Trillion dollar market.

And right now you are sitting right at the beginning. Timing is everything
so what will you do?

Even if you are skeptical so what I would at least register in the link in the
description of this video so you can work with me (Jim Sapp) and/or be
prepared to find out more in the coming months. I will be able to send
you videos with more information as they become available.
The registration is free.

I invite you to be Part of a Pioneering Movement: Join a company that’s more than a rideshare.
REVO is integrating into the blockchain, offering you a unique opportunity to grow
wealth in the crypto currency space. Be at the forefront of a movement that values
your service and financial growth.

This is poised to be very Big – Revo RideShare. You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and registering.

Revo RideShare above is on a mission to disrupt the whole RideShare industry,
I invite you to come and be part of it.

I wish you all the best, God Bless you and have a great day.

Why Revo RideShare a Home Business Opportunity Poised to Upset the Entire Ride Share Industry.

Revo RideShare Small Now But Watch us Grow
Revo RideShare Poised to Disrupt

Join Here:

I’ll work with you and let’s see if we can’t disrupt the whole industry.

There is a unique opportunity right now, which requires no investment on your part.
Poised to become very big over the next several years. Huge upside – very little
if any downside. Virtually nothing else like it.
There are huge numbers of people today because of current economic factors
looking to make additional income, but they’re not looking for a 2nd job.

The timing is perfect you currently have thousands of discontented drivers.
Hence, all of the hundreds of thousands of people driving for Uber or Lyft.
Are very dissatisfied with their company(s). They are almost all looking for  a
way out, and this is it. (Note I’m not asking you to drive to earn money)

Plus this just launched last week and will go international. If Uber had this model
when it launched and you had gotten involved early you quite likely would be very
wealthy today.

You not selling a product so you’re not asking anyone to spend money.
You have great financial backing behind this (one of the two co founders his
company brought in over $10 Billion dollars in the last 2 years) In another
of his startup businesses.

I’ll be real up front and blunt with you right now. If you’re considering starting a
business selling a product or service good luck. I have done that for 29
years and have had huge success. But guess what the business and
product sales almost always crash. I’ve sold millions of dollars in these companies
over the years. I’ve been a top salesman. One of those hot companies I now earn
at under 2% of what I once earned. Another I had enrolled over 1800 customers
I now have 2 that order.

And don’t get me started on those powerline companies. what they promote
is deception if not downright fraud. They show you thousands of people who could go
under you if you upgrade. The reality is almost none of them will go underneath you.

So why this – you have a business based on someone getting paid to in effect
do a job.

All these product based companies you’re depending on someone to sell a product.
And the vast majority of people don’t like to sell.

Because of impeccable timing right now you have an opportunity to earn
way beyond your skill level, you have the opportunity to earn CEO pay
with HS Diploma skills.

Now I am not so Naive to think they’re won’t be other ride sharing companies
come along to challenge Uber and Lyft.

However, there is an additional bonus built on top with Revo, which has mind-boggling
implications. It will be what separated Revo from everybody else. It has the
potential to be so big it will set your shorts on fire.

You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and registering at no cost..

I’ll work with you and let’s see if we can’t disrupt the whole industry.

Revo RideShare Launched March 1st, 2024 in Miami, Florida. Save money over Uber.

Revo RideShare over 4000 signups in 35 days
Date to Remember Revo RideShare Launched March 1st, 2024 in Miami, Florida

Revo RideShare Launched today March 1st, 2024 in the Miami, Fl. Area. Remember this date.

I saw a comparison today, this was a small sample, however, in this case the fare for REVO RideShares was about half of Uber. Check this out:

Comparison of Uber Ride cost versus Revo Ride on first day.

To those not aware Just like Uber was started to solve a problem. Now there is a new RideShare company Revo RideShare. Their goal is to displace Uber and Lyft as the biggest RideShare companies.

The big problem Revo is looking to solve is that the Drivers for these other companies, to say the least are quite dissatisfied with the companies they drive for. For example in many cases the drivers were only getting around 40% of the fare charged to the rider. These drivers are just itching to leave these other companies for something better.

With Revo the drivers will make much more, while the riders pay less than with the big guys.. Plus with the ability for the Revo agents, drivers, and riders to refer and earn from these referrals, you are right now smack at the very beginning. You have a real chance to chart the future for you and your family.

You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and registering. Because of the incredible timing of this I firmly believe there will be those people who virtually stumble into a small fortune simply by taking some early action now and letting others know about this great opportunity. Perhaps you will be one of them.

May you be richly blessed by this tremendous opportunity.

Revo RideShare is on a mission to disrupt the entire RideShare industry, I invite you to come and be a part of it. However, there is something even bigger coming much much bigger. Something poised to become bigger than anything we might have imagined. It will be added to Revo RideShare which will only increase your earnings.

Revo RideShare Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Launching March 1st Miami, Jupiter Fl and soon After Nationwide.

Revo RideShare over 4000 registrations in 35 days.
Revo RideShare FAQ

You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and
registering as an agent at no cost to you.

Will the number of drivers be limited in every state to prevent over saturation of the markets?

We will not limit the number of drivers but as we grow, we will reward drivers that help build the culture of helping others that we are looking to build. We will always put our clients and drivers best interest before our own while still making sure our company is profitable and growing.

How do you deal with passenger complaints because of Uber and Lyft believe always the passenger and never take or investigate the driver?

We will do our best to make sure that our drivers and clients are treated fairly and we will implement safe guards and processes that create a positive environment for our clients and drivers. We will have a process that will make sure we investigate every issue and do our best to act fairly. We will not automatically assume anyone is wrong and will allow the facts to determine the outcome.

Hi what will be the percentage drivers get?

Our drivers will receive 100% of the mileage charge except $1 from each ride.

Here’s a question we get a lot can a rider refer a driver?

It doesn’t matter if you are a rider or a driver or referring agent. You can refer other riders,
or drivers or referring agents.

Question we get a lot and yes-
You can register drivers and clients anywhere in the country

Where are you available? I’m in Portland Oregon and don’t know if this will be in my area.

We are in our pre-launch stage and will be announcing which cities we will go live in first but our goal is to scale rapidly throughout 2024 and then go international in 2025 if not sooner.

Will Bitcoin be used to pay for rides?

We will be announcing our own crypto program VERY SOON. We may add the ability to accept Bitcoin and other crypto currencies in the near future. STAY TUNED!

Will passengers be able to book reservation rides at least 5 days ahead, and if so does a driver have to have his app on to receive the job or will it still show while out offline with a notification showing on the app

Yes, a driver will receive a push notification in advance. If he/she does not accept prior to the ride request, it will return in queue for other drivers to accept it.

I and a few other people wanted to know what they are paying drivers per minute and mile or does it vary in every state.
We are paying per mile.

Will we be able to be a driver with rental car? It will be a good way for IBO’s to get customers and do rides for Snap Rides across the country where we cannot have our actual car.

 Yes you can drive a rental car as long as you meet the insurance requirement and driver requirements.

Poised to be very Big is Revo RideShare.
You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and
registering as an agent at no cost to you.

The RideShare above is on a mission to disrupt the whole RideShare industry.

Check out this video:

However, there is something even bigger coming much much bigger.

Something poised to become bigger than anything we might have imagined. Stay Tuned