New Revo RideShare Updates.March 20th, 2024
Well first thing New Orleans opened 3 days ago.
A test drive was conducted. At the same time of day
one same trip, one if Lyft and the other in Revo Ride.
The Revo driver earned 18% more and the rider paid about
20% less with Revo RideShare.
That’s the whole point behind Revo. The driver earns more and
the rider pays less.Simple.
The Next Big News- Two new Cities are opening very soon very
possibly by the end of the month, however the date is not confirmed yet.
They are Houston and Nashville
This is very important to do. If you have already registered as an
agent or rider, or driver. Be sure to download the Revo RideShare app
in the Apple Store or the Google Play Store.
However, it’s much more than that. It’s all the tie ins. The items that
are tied to Revo RideShare that in effect can be marketed separate
from Revo as everyone has different interests. And they can make you money
even though they are in a way marketing something else.
Effectively you are casting a much bigger net than if you are just marketing
a niche product like skin care for example.
Plus one of the items attached to this through the blockchain should allow you to
earn money off of almost any connection and I mean any connection when I say this.
It’s a mind- staggering $967 Trillion dollar market according to Bill Gates and other experts.
If you haven’t already register below as an agent or rider, or driver, or you
can be all 3.
Be Part of a Pioneering Movement: Join a company that’s more than a rideshare. REVO is integrating into the blockchain, offering you a unique opportunity to grow wealth in the crypto currency space. Be at the forefront of a movement that values your service and financial growth.
This is poised to be very Big – Revo RideShare. You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and registering.
Revo RideShare above is on a mission to disrupt the whole RideShare industry,
I invite you to come and be part of it.