Category Archives: Product Savings

Revo RideShare Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Launching March 1st Miami, Jupiter Fl and soon After Nationwide.

Revo RideShare over 4000 registrations in 35 days.
Revo RideShare FAQ

You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and
registering as an agent at no cost to you.

Will the number of drivers be limited in every state to prevent over saturation of the markets?

We will not limit the number of drivers but as we grow, we will reward drivers that help build the culture of helping others that we are looking to build. We will always put our clients and drivers best interest before our own while still making sure our company is profitable and growing.

How do you deal with passenger complaints because of Uber and Lyft believe always the passenger and never take or investigate the driver?

We will do our best to make sure that our drivers and clients are treated fairly and we will implement safe guards and processes that create a positive environment for our clients and drivers. We will have a process that will make sure we investigate every issue and do our best to act fairly. We will not automatically assume anyone is wrong and will allow the facts to determine the outcome.

Hi what will be the percentage drivers get?

Our drivers will receive 100% of the mileage charge except $1 from each ride.

Here’s a question we get a lot can a rider refer a driver?

It doesn’t matter if you are a rider or a driver or referring agent. You can refer other riders,
or drivers or referring agents.

Question we get a lot and yes-
You can register drivers and clients anywhere in the country

Where are you available? I’m in Portland Oregon and don’t know if this will be in my area.

We are in our pre-launch stage and will be announcing which cities we will go live in first but our goal is to scale rapidly throughout 2024 and then go international in 2025 if not sooner.

Will Bitcoin be used to pay for rides?

We will be announcing our own crypto program VERY SOON. We may add the ability to accept Bitcoin and other crypto currencies in the near future. STAY TUNED!

Will passengers be able to book reservation rides at least 5 days ahead, and if so does a driver have to have his app on to receive the job or will it still show while out offline with a notification showing on the app

Yes, a driver will receive a push notification in advance. If he/she does not accept prior to the ride request, it will return in queue for other drivers to accept it.

I and a few other people wanted to know what they are paying drivers per minute and mile or does it vary in every state.
We are paying per mile.

Will we be able to be a driver with rental car? It will be a good way for IBO’s to get customers and do rides for Snap Rides across the country where we cannot have our actual car.

 Yes you can drive a rental car as long as you meet the insurance requirement and driver requirements.

Poised to be very Big is Revo RideShare.
You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and
registering as an agent at no cost to you.

The RideShare above is on a mission to disrupt the whole RideShare industry.

Check out this video:

However, there is something even bigger coming much much bigger.

Something poised to become bigger than anything we might have imagined. Stay Tuned

Revo RideShare Special in Phoenix, Miami, Nashville and New Orleans.

Revo RideShare Phoenix, Miami, Nashville and New Orleans.
Revo RideShare Be Part of Something Special.

I want you to Imagine the following:
Every great business starts with a simple idea and usually
to solve a problem. Uber was started in 2009 because its
founders were having trouble getting a taxi in Paris I do
Now it’s in 70 countries and over 10,500 cities.
Imagine back in 2010 if you had been referring other
agents, drivers and riders and a number of them had been
doing the same. And you were getting paid on every every time
the driver picked up a rider and every time the rider took a ride.
 It’s not inconceivable you would be worth
over $100 million dollars today.

Just like Uber was started to solve a problem. Now there is a
new Ride Share company Revo RideShare. Their goal is to
displace Uber and Lyft as the biggest Ride Share companies.

The big problem Revo is looking to solve is that the Drivers
for these other companies to say the least are quite dissatisfied
with the companies they drive for. For example in many cases the
drivers were only getting around 40% of the fare charged to the
rider. These drivers are just itching to leave these other companies
for something better.

With Revo the drivers will make much more, while the riders pay
less than the big guys..
Plus with the ability for the Revo agents, drivers, and riders to refer and
earn from these referrals and you are right now here smack right at the very
beginning You have a real chance to chart the future for you and your

 You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and

Revo RideShare above is on a mission to disrupt the whole RideShare industry,
I invite you to come and be part of it.

REVO RideShare Video Service Launching in Miami and Cities Throughout the United States

Many many years ago I had dropped out of college and after a couple years or so I found myself working as a janitor in a bank. Please don’t get me wrong as I’m not belittling janitors. Most do a great valuable service. But do you know how many hot girls are just dying to date and marry a janitor. I don’t know but there weren’t any at the large bank computer center I worked at.

And there were quite a number of young girls that worked there. After about 14 months of that I was no closer to getting a date than the first day I started. So I decided my future wasn’t in janitoring so I quit the bank and went back to school. A couple years later I got out of school and got a pretty good job where I meant my beautiful wife. Heck she approached me on the job one day.

So where is all this going well fast forward about 16 years . I was working as a S/W Engineer at Boeing. We had 2 kids at the time my wife was no longer working so instead of a second job I tried starting different businesses from home.

Because I had several failures at first people in the office would say what has crazy Jim come up with this time. Even my wife was starting to doubt me- thought I was wasting money. That is until I finally hit on something that worked.

It wasn’t fast, however, after 4 months it started taking off to the point those that had been laughing wanted to get involved. About 14 months later I had doubled my salary at Boeing working just part time. I eventually resigned from Boeing right before they shut down our facility. I have been working from home
ever since. We now live in a pretty fancy home on a golf course.something I could never have dreamed possible working as a janitor.

So what’s the point. The point is I was once an engineer I have a very analytical mind. Plus 29 years experience in marketing and just the luck of the Grace of God I’ve been exposed to some trends that most likely dominate the future.

And those that don’t laugh and get involved now stand to reap a very big harvest.

One that is poised to be very Big is Revo RideShare.
You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and
registering as an agent at no cost to you.

The RideShare above is on a mission to disrupt the whole RideShare industry.

Check out this video:

However, there is something even bigger coming much much bigger.

Something poised to become bigger than anything we might have imagined.

It is a BlockChain project the people I have been fortunate-blessed to be working
with happen to be the biggest BlockChain experts in the world. Don’t laugh
when I tell you this actually could be bigger than the internet. That’s what a number of experts are saying.
Contact me back for more on this BlockChain venture and how you
may get involved.

The Death of Traditional Network Marketing I pray that God will give me the right words Part 2.

Continued from Part 1 – However, even with vision,
You still need money that’s why so many young startups fail. Well in this
I would say doing over $7 Billion dollars in business in less than 2 years means you’re
not hurting for money.

Check out the following video:

Next you need visionary products where you can lock customers in so they don’t
go anywhere else. Nothing is more frustrating to sign up a customer and in 2-3 months
they’re gone.

These products ideally should be necessary products you need every month.

The head of the company needs to show they are more committed to helping the
little guy succeed than just making more money for the owners. This is why the
$7 Billion dollars and growing is so vital. A company under funded or hemorrhaging
sales will too often get desperate and make cut backs, which only furthers its problems.

They have already fronted out in commissions way over $1,000,000 in ERC money and growing.

The company that will soon disrupt the entire home business network marketing industry is Snap and it’s various divisions Snap Delivery, Snap Financial, Snap Entertainment Snap Wellness, and more coming.

Here’s why:
First while Snap Delivered Food delivery and more, is currently way behind the giants
like DoorDash, Uber Eats, etc it is structured  in such a way to eventually dominate
them and it is set up to eventually go international. These others as currently constructed
are not.

Snap Financial ERC- this simply dominates in income any thing else out there right now.

Snap Energy – This is visionary. the next Big ERC. You get a business or residential unit you have them month
after month. They use electric and gas every month and if they’re saving money they aren’t
going anywhere. Plus this will be a great source of referrals.

Snap Health – Health insurance  – more than 80% of all people can get this for under $10 a month.
Once again here’s a product you save the customer money and they’re
not going anywhere.Plus this will be a great source of referrals.

Snap Credit (coming)- with all the issues of people needing restored credit. This can be a real sleeper.

Snap Wellness (coming)- Here they will be offering some great health and wellness products.
That said this by itself I would simply say no thanks, but the fact people in your organization
have the option to order these products just puts more money in your pocket.

Snap Entertainment – While its in its relative infancy right now this has huge growth potential
moving forward with virtual reality gaming plus even the ability to advertise your business as
people play games or watch TV, Etc. Plus with the visionary leadership of its owners they
will be on the forefront of this leading into the future.
What you can count on is people will always want their entertainment. Plus they have a great
connection with a Multi-Billion dollar gaming platform.

More cool info that shows the company is for the little guy not themselves.
They just added more money for the average guy by now paying down 5 levels as just a manager.
And increasing the percentages and adding levels 3-5 as a Supervisor. And increasing the percentages and adding levels 4-5 as a Director.and adding another level as an Executive.

Lastly for now as I expect more to be coming.are the special rewards program which adds great extra rewards like hot tubs, cruises, real estate investments and a lot more.

I welcome any comments pro or con.

Oh and its free to join and free to stay in.

Thank you once again,.

Become an agent here to work with me – Click Here!

Employee Retention Tax Credit ERC- Snap Delivered Video Home Based Business

Here are some early numbers with the Restaurants and why you need to jump in with both feet. I can guide you through the process of how to contact these businesses – we will have complete instructions, what to say etc. My specialty is how to find them..(because of my extensive internet experience)..
First over the last year this company has worked out all the bugs they know exactly how to do this. They brought in 2 Billion dollars in business over the first 11  months.
So they were ready to roll it out to people like me and you so they started a test run with people who have never done this before..
This test run (just recently) was with 3 people – people like myself or you.
In the first 2 weeks of this test program they got 30 restaurants to signup totaling about 16.8 million dollars in tax credits. Or about $567,000  per business.

Keep in mind this is in about 3 weeks time.
You could refer others interested in working this program and you would make a quarter of these amounts if these people referred the business. For example you referred Bob and Bob made  300K you would make 75K on that and you can even earn on income of the people Bob refers. (through 5 levels)
The point is this is real, its cranking and we have maybe a 2 year window.
If you would like to get started as a rep to market the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERC)  to businesses click below on where it says Get Started as a Customer Rep .
Please come join us, together we  can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To Start Saving Money and enjoying Vidgo  -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.

Snap Delivered Throwing You a Lifeline? Ignore this at your Own Risk

I have been blessed of God for many years – he has brought many wonderful people like yourself into my path over the past 27 years for such a time as the present.
Question are you concerned about any of the following?
Gas prices
Food prices and shortages
Power brownouts or blackouts
State of the economy
Security of yourself and your family
Your financial situation including retirement
If you said no to all of the above great for you, I’m glad for you, however not everyone is so fortunate to be in your situation.
Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Logo

Perhaps you know someone who is not in such a great who could really benefit from this.
And at a time such as this you can’t count anyone out. People who have never made a dime before in a home business will knock this out of the park. In fact some of them will
outperform the “professionals” because they are hungrier.
Something is coming in 36 days that could set you up for literally the rest of your life.
I won’t offer you a long explanation why other than the following:
1st you are dealing with Small Businesses (restaurants, etc)
2nd you are dealing in tens of thousands ($10,000’s)  and in most cases hundreds of thousands ($100,000’s) of dollars up to potentially a million. It’s pretty obvious the commissions on these are going to dwarf some order for a hundred dollars of nutrition or skin care products.
3rd we don’t have to be a technical expert like an attorney, or CPA or some kind of  scientist.
4th I have the expertise and know how to find and locate these people all over the country and can show you how to go about it. I think you will find it easy.
Get back to me and I’ll send further details about this program with Snap Delivered.

Please come join us, together we  can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To Start Saving Money and enjoying Vidgo  -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.

Snap Delivered Earn Big Ticket Commissions on something easy to sell.

 Quite frankly I’m not one to try to push someone to become a Manager In Snap Delivered until they are ready however, because of what is coming in about 5 – 6 weeks I can’t encourage it enough.
Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Logo
This is why Snap is really encouraging people to become a manager or to get other managers to upgrade as they could miss out in 1000’s of dollars in commissions.  Because by doing it this month you are grand fathered into the position to around the end of August.
This is why if you’re not already a manager you need to become one in the next 3 weeks or so by either upgrading paying the $299 or getting $600 in business.
So why because this is what I am pretty certain is coming:

Big Ticket Commissions on something super easy to sell. Commissions in the thousands even tens of
thousands for something this easy to get restaurants and small businesses interested.

Let’s say someone you have enrolled starts really pushing this at the end of next month and is making $5000, $3000, $8000, $20,000 commission sales by you being a manager you would earn 25% of those amounts.

If you become a manager and get just 2 others to the become a manager and someone a couple levels below you starts making these high ticket commissions you would earn 25% of them or $1250 , and $750 and $2000 and $5000.

What if several people were down there doing this. This I believe will be one of the easiest things you can or will ever market. And because of how we go about it it will lead to some very nice residual income for years to come.

This is all based on some great research and digging that we have uncovered what this is. If its what we believe it is that we have uncovered this is much more than a Billion Dollar business. This could set you up for life.

Now let me say this I could be wrong and I’m off base,  well I don’t believe I’m far off. Based on what I’ve heard Tony and Paul say and how I’ve studied them and the billionaire contacts they have made  this will be by far the most lucrative opportunity any of us ever see. And the easiest, this I believe will be one of those things when people actually see it they will have trouble sleeping at night.

What can you do right now – get yourself to manager and above and be ready to contact as many people as you possibly can.
Also with my ability to work with small businesses you are going to want to work with me in a big way.


Please come join us, together we  can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To Start Saving Money and enjoying Vidgo  -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.

Snap Delivered Get Ready Something Very Big Very Lucrative Coming Soon Plus Vidgo

This video is about getting ready. I have an idea what is coming but I don’t know for sure. However, I’m convinced it will help small businesses. And this is huge because if you have a home businesses that small businesses like restaurants, salons, etc you have something very special that can greatly help not only yourself and your family plus many others.
Because of all that is going on right now with the evil and all that is going on this is very important.
Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Logo
Get ready get prepared  coming the end of July a new exclusive opportunity in a massive market that has earned this company $2 billion dollars in their first 11 months. Some current associates have already made an unbelievable $200,000 in a week in commissions. This is a service virtually all small businesses utilize thus the highly lucrative nature. This will tie in very nicely with the service we just discussed even though they are totally separate.
Check tjis out – Vidgo Video and Snap Delivered . and watch the Video below.

Please come join us, together we  can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To Start Saving Money and enjoying Vidgo  -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.

Something Very Lucrative and Big Coming to Snap Delivered and Vidgo Video

Something of Earthquake, Hurricane magnitude from a Multi-Billionaire is coming the end of July poised to take those who choose to take advantage extremely wealthy.  I would come on board today for free so
you are poised to take advantage of this. To those already on board I will give you as much detail as I can before that date as it becomes available.
Also coming the end of July a new exclusive opportunity in a massive market that has earned this company $2 billion dollars in their first 11 months. Some current associates have already made an unbelievable $200,000 in a week in commissions. This is a service virtually all small businesses utilize thus the highly lucrative nature. This will tie in very nicely with the service we just discussed even though they are totally separate.
Check it out – Vidgo and Snap Delivered . and watch the Video below.

Please come join us, together we  can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To Start Saving Money and enjoying Vidgo  -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.

How to Make significant income while cutting your cable bill with Vidgo Video Streaming

This is an Amazing and Fairly Easy Way to make some significant income while cutting your cable bill while helping others do the same. Watch this Video below:

Video How to run a Home Business with Vidgo Video Streaming

Are you concerned about Gas Prices? Inflation? With all the uncertainty going on with the economy and world right now there could not be a better time for you to create an additional income source and this is about as easy as it gets.

This is a service most everyone uses (watching TV) and you can help them save money. And you can earn great bonuses of $1000 – $10,000 and more in the process of helping yourself and others save money.

Plus here’s the deal – even if you don’t think you have enough close friends or family that would be interested I can show you my technique to target small businesses who have plenty of customers that would like to save money.

And whatever they produce in terms of income etc you would earn half. Find a business that earns a $10,000 bonus you would earn a $5000 bonus. What if you found 10 or 20 of these businesses?
That’s $50,000 – $100,000 in your pocket,

And there are 100’s of thousands of these businesses across the country that could always use extra income and I can easily show you how to find them and contact them and what to send them.

This is not Rocket Science we’re not debating the quality of one nutrition or skincare product over another.
At the end of the day if someone can watch the same TV show or movie for less. Guess what the customer is going to take the least expensive option if you can point that out to them.

I hope I’m totally wrong but if you don’t join me now very likely you will in the next 3 – 6 months.

Check it out – Vidgo and Snap Delivered .
Please come join us, together we  can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To Start Saving Money and enjoying Vidgo  -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.