Quite frankly I’m not one to try to push someone to become a Manager In Snap Delivered until they are ready however, because of what is coming in about 5 – 6 weeks I can’t encourage it enough.
This is why Snap is really encouraging people to become a manager or to get other managers to upgrade as they could miss out in 1000’s of dollars in commissions. Because by doing it this month you are grand fathered into the position to around the end of August.
This is why if you’re not already a manager you need to become one in the next 3 weeks or so by either upgrading paying the $299 or getting $600 in business.
So why because this is what I am pretty certain is coming:
Big Ticket Commissions on something super easy to sell. Commissions in the thousands even tens of
thousands for something this easy to get restaurants and small businesses interested.
Let’s say someone you have enrolled starts really pushing this at the end of next month and is making $5000, $3000, $8000, $20,000 commission sales by you being a manager you would earn 25% of those amounts.
If you become a manager and get just 2 others to the become a manager and someone a couple levels below you starts making these high ticket commissions you would earn 25% of them or $1250 , and $750 and $2000 and $5000.
What if several people were down there doing this. This I believe will be one of the easiest things you can or will ever market. And because of how we go about it it will lead to some very nice residual income for years to come.
This is all based on some great research and digging that we have uncovered what this is. If its what we believe it is that we have uncovered this is much more than a Billion Dollar business. This could set you up for life.
Now let me say this I could be wrong and I’m off base, well I don’t believe I’m far off. Based on what I’ve heard Tony and Paul say and how I’ve studied them and the billionaire contacts they have made this will be by far the most lucrative opportunity any of us ever see. And the easiest, this I believe will be one of those things when people actually see it they will have trouble sleeping at night.
What can you do right now – get yourself to manager and above and be ready to contact as many people as you possibly can.
Also with my ability to work with small businesses you are going to want to work with me in a big way.
Please come join us, together we can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.