The Video below shows why you want to be a Connect Blockbot. We look at reward distributions on a Daily basis from the Win Smart Node, The Grow Smart Node, the Revo Smart Node and the Rally Smart Nodes, USDT, USDC and more. Connect shares 20% of all sales worldwide with all the Blockbots. You’ll see this in the video below.
Note: I’m very very motivated to help you have tremendous success with this and I truly believe together we can.
Signup and get a free Wallet here and I will give you some free tokens.
The Video below shows why you want to own Connect Boost NFTs. We look at reward distributions on a Daily basis from the Win Smart Node, The Grow Smart Node, the Revo Smart Node and the Rally Smart Nodes.
Note: I’m very very motivated to help you have tremendous success with this and I truly believe together we can.
Signup and get a free Wallet here and I will give you some free tokens.
The Video below shows why you want to own Connect BlockChain Nodes. We look at reward distributions on a Daily basis from the Win Smart Node, The Grow Smart Node, the Revo Smart Node and the Rally Smart Nodes.
Why You Should Own A BlockChain Smart Node
The video shows 1,188,000 Revo tokens earned in this particular case.
If we look at Win nodes there’s been a total of 641,568 total tokens earned, for the day today today earned 2507 tokens now this goes up and down every day. The day before earned 3,243 tokens day before that 3,712 tokens day before that 2,640 tokens. So as you can see goes up and down. This happens to be my rank smong all the various people within the community Community within the blockchain community I’m number 179 out of over 50,000 right now.
Signup and get a free Wallet here and I will give you some free tokens.
First observe who is looking at it- who is excited. In this case it’s very high worth, high caliber individuals, flying into the US Headquarters to check this out. Some on Private jets. (People like the founder of Discover Card, Former Attorney General of Virginia, Trainers and associates of Tony Roberts, Billionaires and Multi-Billionaires. Those that have created Multi Billion dollar companies. Some of the top Network Marketers in the World.) And many other accomplished individuals.
These people don’t get involved in anything just to make a few thousand dollars. They obviously believe this is something much bigger.
First let me say this I’m not here to give you financial advice, you should always do your own homework. However, I’m basing my excitement on what I can observe. See below:
Quick Notes Because of the nodes my partner and myself already own they are producing upwards of an unbelievable $300 per day in tokens. I didn’t realize this until I added it up. I’ve also earned 9 Free Blockchain nodes which continue to go up in value weekly (along with all the other Blockchain Nodes we own). In addition to the rewards above in the last couple days I’m earning $8.50 a day in real US dollars (USDT) plus tokens from the various Blockchain projects.. This is similar to how stocks can pay dividends simply because you own the stock. The big difference here though is you get paid in tokens, which could greatly multiply in value in the next 3 – 5 years or so. It is not unheard of for similar tokens to increase in value up to 100 times or even more on the market exchange. Keep in mind I only started this Just under 6 Months ago (May 2nd)
It’s only a little less than 2 Months till Christmas and based upon what I can observe we’re going to see tremendous growth between now and then. One thing to keep in mind with BlockChain – you actually do benefit from those that get involved after you. Simply because they are put on the Blockchain after you. Not like some of these programs that try to indicate that you can benefit from all those coming in after you. (Which you don’t) Actually with BlockChain those getting in early do actually benefit from those coming in after them simply because the sales generate rewards (remember above I said in the last couple days I’m earning $13.50 a day (this goes up and down with sales) But don’t just take my word for it you can read the signs Like: 1. People are flying in every week to the main office to check them out, some on private jets. A number of high worth very smart individuals. 2. The interest – I continue to see how fast the smart nodes are selling. 3.The level of talent promoting this from around the world. 4. The transparency of the leadership involved. I’m on a call every day with them talking to them. Thus building trust. 5. The fact they are already in 159 countries around the world. 6. The simple fact that BlockChain is the future, projected to be a $867 Trillion juggernaut. 7. A previous project with the same company made people millionaires (past performance does not assure future performance- do your own homework) 8.The projects themselves help to address and solve real world problems. 9. They are still relatively small if they take off like they are starting to do it could get real exciting real fast. Note: I’m very very motivated to help you have tremendous success with this and I truly believe together we can.
Signup and get a free Wallet here and I will give you some free tokens.
Would you like to become a part-owner on what is predicted to become the hottest enterprise over the next 5 – 10 years? Are you interested in making the world better?
Would you like to be part of a community project that changes the world, and is already starting to change it in a very positive way?
Connect BlockChain Brand Video
Have you ever considered the following -those that change the world in a positive way besides feeling great about it almost always become very well to do financially.
Next Question – would you like to be a part of something now, soon to go viral before it does? We’re starring down the barrel of what by all indications will be the biggest opportunity of our lifetimes.
Already global in 158 countries.
This is going global – it already has now in 158 countries. This my friend will be huge.
Nothing in life is guaranteed, however, as people around the world analyze this virtually all indicators are looking amazingly strong. I’m on call twice a day with the Blockchain main office so things are very transparent. Many people besides myself are very jacked about the future of our BlockChain community.
And we’re smack at the beginning where its mature enough but yet only a tiny percentage of the projected growth has happened yet.
And we have a very simple to follow system to get started (no cost to get started) which any one can do and create success.
You can be a Part-Owner.
What is so cool among other things and why this is so different is the following:
You can become a part-owner of the business and reap the benefits from people around the world even if they are not connected to you. For example I benefited yesterday from people in the Netherlands and am currently benefiting to the tune of $350 (and growing) per month in only 6 months (from people in 158 countries). This is in addition to what I earn from my team, my nodes and my efforts.
Get started today. contact me for more information on getting started.
Signup and get a free Wallet here and I will give you some free tokens.