Snap Delivered Restaurant Food Delivery. I want to give you a list of the cities and snap delivered that are either currently open. Or are nearing opening. I’ll kind of work my way from east coast to the West Coast, but in Florida, we have Tampa Florida, which is open. We have Stuart Florida, which is open. We have Margate Florida, which is coming soon. Jacksonville, Florida is opening soon.
Also in the East coast, Virginia Beach, Virginia is opening soon.
Baltimore, Maryland. Opening soon. Elmira New York. is open. Boston, Massachusetts opening soon. That’s on the East Coast, working our way, west to Ohio. We have Cleveland Ohio, which is open. Now we have Dayton, Ohio, which is open. We have Nashville, Tennessee, which is open.
Okay, we work further west. We have Chicago, Illinois, opening soon. And we have, Columbia Missouri, which is now open.
Tulsa. Oklahoma is now open. They’re open Sherman, Texas. They’re open. in Northern Texas. We have Katy Texas, which is opening soon. We have a couple areas in Texas, around Houston. They’re open there. So, As we move further west, we get into Arizona Tucson. Arizona is open. Phoenix. Arizona is opening soon. Los Vegas, Nevada is opening soon.
Boise Idaho is opening soon.
And with remove further west we get into Kennewick Washington, which is opening soon. We have Bremerton Washington, which is now open, you have Olympia Washington, which is now open. We have Salem Oregon, which is now open. Then down in the California. We had Sacramento which is opening soon. And then we have further south. We have Los Angeles, which is opening soon.
And then we have Orange County, CA which is opening soon.
Please come join us, together we can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.
Check out Vidgo Video Streaming as we are waiting on restaurants to open this is a great opportunity to not only make money but a great residual income. As once someone signs up for a service like this they tend to stay often for many years,
This allows someone to start earning some great bonuses by signing up just 5 people a month.
This typically might be a problem except when you consider that entertainment is a product most people won’t do without and people can save money so important today. Plus even earn money and residual income.
And if you are promoting it as a home business some or all of your monthly subscription fees may be tax deductible, (consult your tax professional).
I highly recommend it as a great way to earn additional income. Plus I have developed a way to take it into
the cold market.
Check out the video below:
Please come join us, together we can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.
I have been Blessed of God to be successful in the Home Business field for over 25 years now, the biggest reason for my success is my ability to tap into the cold market in a big way.
In this video I discuss that. However, in my next video and going forward I will be unveiling a plan and technique to help you be ultra successful In Vidgo and Snap Delivered as it will help you to tap into the cold market helping people not only save but make money in the exciting entertainment field.
Check out the video below:
Please come join us, together we can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.
– The fear of failure. The fear of failure is the biggest obstacle to success. What people don’t understand is failure is a prerequisite for success. Solution: Learn to look at failure as a stepping stone to success.
Thomas Edison patented 1079 inventions with the National Patent Office.
The biggest failure of all inventors was Thomas Edison. In 2 Inventions alone (The light bulb and developing rubber) he failed over 27,000 times.
The natural tendency of the average person is to play is safe and not exceed their comfort zone. Every great accomplishment in the history of the world is by people who took chances and stepped out of their comfort zone.
The game of life is like a baseball game. You are the batter, but you are also the umpire and no one can call you out but yourself. What does this mean 3 strikes and you are out – nope since you are the umpire you decide this – you can take 1000 strikes if you like- remember you are also the umpire. Only you can call yourself out of the game.
The importance of control (why we need goals)
Picture a perfectly aligned car on a perfectly level road. If we take our hands off of the steering wheel as we are driving and never touch the steering wheel we will eventually end up in a ditch.
If we take our hands off the steering wheel of our life we will also wind up in a ditch.
We fear change although change is inevitable the reason we fear change is we believe we will be worse off. Winning the lottery is change yet we don’t fear it because it is pictured as being positive change.
The importance of setting goals is so we can control the direction of change in our lives.
Please come join us, together we can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.
For over two years now small businesses across the country have felt the burden of Pandemic lock downs. And now they are faced with supply chain shortages, inflation, high fuel prices, staffing issues and much more Small businesses for years have been the backbone of America employing in the millions of Americans.
First let us analyze why a person buys in the first place. I use the word person instead of customer because a customer is too impersonal.
A person buys for one basic reason – a perceived need for the product or service you have to offer. For example a person who knows they have termites almost always hires an exterminator. Now a number of other factors go into why a person has a need but even these can be broken down into just a couple of main categories:
1. Love – People want to be and feel wanted or loved or because of their love for someone else. This area includes gifts and wanting a person to be healthy, etc.
2. Sex – People have a natural desire for sex. .Examples of this are anything that will improve a person’s sex life – viagra, etc. This area can also translate into looking good for the opposite sex which is where certain health and beauty products come in.
3. Survival – People have a natural instinct to survive or stay alive. Within this you can include the desire to be secure. Examples of this are food, homes, clothes, basic necessities.
4. Happiness – People want to have and or do things that make them feel happy. Examples of this are vacations, toys- adult and otherwise, etc. This can also include the areas of looking good and feeling good which is where the market for health products are.
5. Avoid pain or unpleasantness – people will buy or purchase items or services to avoid possible negative consequences. Example of this are insurance policies, wills, etc.
Check out the video below.
Please come join us, together we can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.
As you can see in the video below there is a great opportunity to earn some great bonus income with Vidgo Video Streaming plus Snap Delivered. This shows how using Vidgo how it can setup building your Snap Delivered business. plus we also talk about how soon Snap will be delivering prescriptions.
Contact me for details on How to run a business with Vidgo Video Streaming and Snap Delivered as well as any home business.
Please come join us, together we can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.
I recommend when you approach any business that you don’t come across as just wanting to sell them something but can actually help them solve problems you are golden.
Just curious do you have any of the following issues in business?
Staffing issues
Customer retention issues.
Customer referral issues (would you like more referrals)
Would your associates like bigger tips.
Would you like more glowing reviews to post.
I’m actually writing this for people who have the vision, desire and belief they can make $1000’s of dollars a month in a home business.
There was an old TV show, which ran from 1967 -1969, titled the Guns of Will Sonnett, starring Walter Brennan. It’s on DVD now and was actually a pretty good show. Anyway there was a famous line from the show Walter Brennan used to say, in regards to his gunslinger ability, “I’m the best in the West – No Brag Just Fact!”
When I hear that line I think, “what a great confident line of total conviction In the home business arena if your desire is to make a good income, it is absolutely vital you show total conviction towards your product and business.
Picture the following: Picture three wrestlers locked in combat. One of the wrestlers is named Conviction.
Actually Conviction is fighting the other two wrestlers. One of, which is named Unbelief and the other, is named Rejection. A person starting out in a home business is just like Conviction. This new person faces two main opponents or obstacles they must overcome in order to be victorious and successful in their home business.
The first of these obstacles like the wrestler above is named Unbelief. This is like the alter ego of Conviction, the greater Unbelief grows the weaker Conviction becomes. The other opponent is named Rejection. When Conviction gets stronger it’s able to defeat Unbelief and Rejection. However, when you stop feeding Conviction, Conviction gets weaker and Unbelief gets stronger. Now a weak Conviction is not able to overcome Unbelief and Rejection.
Again remember Walter Brennan’s words in The Guns of Will Sonnett, “No brag, just fact!” You should strive for a home business plan that has the largest, baddest, Superman Conviction character
A strong character able to win, over Unbelief and Rejection. “No brag, just fact!” (Complements of the Guns of Will Sonnett and Walter Brennan) I have personally witnessed what Conviction can do, when it grows and defeats its enemy Rejection.
Businesses, large and successful are built. What ways are you contributing to empowering your Conviction character in your home business?
Check out the very important video below. In this important video we need to put ourselves in our customer’s shoes. We must know that the Number 1 interest of the restaurants is not the same as ours. We need to approach the customer with their interest in mind, not our own. This is the big key for business success in Snap Delivered as well as any home business.
Please won’t you come join us together we can help so many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.