Tag Archives: Online Food Delivery

Update Snap Delivered Restaurant Food Delivery Cities Open Now and or Opening This Week

Integrous Wellness Products – Click Here!

Snap Delivered All Cities Currently Open
  • Boise, ID
  • Bremerton, WA
  • Cleveland, OH
  • Columbia, MO
  • Dayton, OH
  • Elmira, NY
  • Houston, TX
  • Jupiter, FL
  • Manchester, TN
  • Margate, FL
  • Murfreesboro, TN
  • Olympia, WA
  • Pearland, TX
  • Sherman, TX
  • Tampa, FL
  • Tucson, AZ
  • Tulsa, OK
Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Logo
Cities Opening This Week
Opening TUESDAY June 7:
Colorado Springs, CO
Opening WEDNESDAY, June 8
Los Angeles, CA
Opening THURSDAY, June 9
Orange County, CA
Opening FRIDAY, June 10
Katy, TX
Keeping you involved and informed!
That’s Snap Delivered!
Check out the Video below:

Please come join us, together we  can help many many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To Start Saving Money and enjoying Vidgo  -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.

Buffalo NY Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Business Story Belief and Passion

A story Gerry Giraffe and Passion
By James Sapp
(I hope this helps with your Snap Delivered Business)
…The leading trainers of top athletes and business leaders all say the same thing.
Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Logo
The best predictor of success is the degree of passion the person has.
Knowing this is it not possible to build our level of passion – thus guaranteeing our success. You bet it is.
Knowing this was for me the first step in solving the problem of how to create anything I wanted in Life.
After all just knowing how to do something and actually being able to do it are two horses of a different color so to speak.
Next he revealed important secrets that seemed very simple and yet the majority of people live their whole lives and never discover these amazing revelations.
This involves solving this problem of “How do we create this unshakeable self-confidence, the kind of unwavering belief that moves mountains and allows a person to get the girl and create for themselves the kind of life that others only dream about.
A hate to ruin the story and give you the last page of the book here, but the way to achieving unwavering self-confidence and belief is simply creating a goal of something you have never done before and than accomplishing that goal. And then doing it again and again.
Now I’m not going to discuss how to set goals, but here is the secret of those who accomplish their goals and those who don’t.
Upon defining that goal or goals, write down 20 things on paper that you believe are items or thoughts, or beliefs that are currently holding you back from accomplishing your goals.
Next focus on what you consider the top 1-3 limitations that are holding you back from achieving your goal.
Now here is what I find exciting. Normally a person will have a couple of major hang-ups (limitations) that are preventing them from accomplishing their major goals in life. So by eliminating these limitations you eliminate the vast percentage of all the road blocks for all of your goals.
The secret I used was to set goals to remove the major limitations from my life. Once I removed these limitations it was like being in a race with a bunch of one-legged men.
After hearing all this Gerry decided with true passion and belief that he was going to be a famous basket ball player.
Story by James Sapp
Copyright 2004
Check out the video below:

Please won’t you come join us together we  can help so many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To Start Saving Money and enjoying Vidgo  -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.


Snap Delivered Ghost Kitchens Food Delivery Overview NSURx Prescription Delivery

After Convention Notes from the Las Vegas Snap Delivered convention.
You earn NSUR Crypto Tokens whenever someone uses their NSUR Prescription Discount Card to save money.
You can signup here for free:
You get  $1 of free NSUR crypto whenever you  get a Prescription plus you get $1 of free NSUR crypto whenever someone you refer gets a Prescription.

Prescription Delivery NSUR-RX

Next are the new Snap Delivered Ghost Kitchens.
Ghost kitchens are food prep operations with no servers, no dining room, no parking lot, no public presence whatsoever.
There are 7 different Snap Delivered Ghost Kitchens Brands. Big Burgers, Kickin Chicken, Yo Sushi, DaVinci’s Pizza, Snappy Subs, Doug’s (tacos),  and Hoke Poke.
Snap Delivered Ghost Kitchens
Basically any existing restaurant can become one or all 7 ghost kitchens in their area. The only exception is if one of the 7 is already taken in a 5 mile radius.
This obviously gives a restaurant the ability to expand its operation to generate more revenue with virtually no extra overhead.
Each of these ghost kitchens would count toward the 10 restaurants in a 10 mile radius.
Plus you earn double – if you refer one of these Ghost Kitchens you earn $.80 cents instead of $.40 cents an order.
The new Vidgo Streaming service they launched is another opportunity to make money although I am still analyzing it and waiting on more information.
Bottom Line: I am more excited than ever. Now is a great time to be in Snap Delivered/

Please won’t you come join us together we  can help so many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.

Gainesville FL New Snap Delivered Work from Home Business Opportunity Restaurant Delivery

Working together we can build an exciting and amazing Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Business through referrals. You simply have to see our very exciting and innovative techniques.
Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Logo
In today’s Video – we continue from yesterday’s video.
Headlines – you know they are incredibly important – what makes
them so important?
Be specific in your headlines – this will increase your
For example “21 Recipes and Fat Reducing Tips for Working Women
on the Go.”
This is certainly going catch the eye of this particular crowd.
And of course is fairly easy and effective to target specific
For example: “Attention Mothers, Fathers, Lawyers, Accountants,
Teachers, etc.”
I think you get the idea.
The Best and Most Effective Headline Words
Top 10 in Order
1. You – Don’t use I and me
2. Yours
3. How or How to
4. New
5. Who
6. Money
7. Now
8. People
9. Want
10. Why
A List of the Next 23 Best Headline Words
1. Announcing
2. Secret’s of
3. Amazing….
—Essential Rules For Writing Attention Grabbing Effective
1. Headlines should always appeal the your audience’s self
interest by promoting your products biggest benefit.
2. Don’t Worry About the Length – (Within Reason) Ted Nicholas
(who is considered the greatest authority in this area) has
said he has never seen an effective headline over 17 words.
Please won’t you come join us together we  can help so many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.

Snap Delivered San Diego CA Restaurant Delivery New Business Video Details

I’m here to help you build a tremendous Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Business through referrals. You simply have to see our very exciting and innovative techniques.
Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Logo
In today’s Video –
Headlines – you know they are incredibly important – what makes
them so important?
Well just consider Headlines can create up to a 19 times
response increase to our ads, Emails, etc. Pretty good reason
Of course every newspaper, magazine and print media uses
headlines. Everything from “2-Day Sale Only” to “Record
Business Growth…”
Headlines have been used for centuries for basically grabbing
people’s attention.
Here’s the information on headlines we will be covering in this
* The Important features of headlines, which make them
* Headlines are used to target your Market or audience. We
discussed this in detail in Lesson 1.
* The 33 Best Income Making Headline Words.
* Essential rules for writing attention grabbing effective
* Magic Words that get big results for your headlines and text.
* Plus a list of Tragic Words which should not be used!
* Plus the 22 Most Persuasive Words in the English Language!
* Plus More
Here are some things to avoid- these are typically a big waste of time and money:
— Don’t try to be clever in your headlines. This very
seldom works.
— Don’t use your company name or logo in headlines.
— Don’t be abstract – don’t make the reader guess what
you are about.
Check out the video below:
Please join us and help us help so many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.

Snap Delivered New Detroit MI Restaurant Delivery Business Opening Opportunity

Information to help create success for your Snap Delivered Food Delivery Business.
Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Logo
Here is a Success Tip: Initially state and on occasion remind
the reader of the 2-3 things  they have to do to bring about the desired result or to solve the specified problem.
The Bible says give and you shall receive – in this regard ask yourself,  “Do you provide good information, entertainment and value?”
Make sure you provide the benefits of the person working with you. And remember features are not benefits, the fact that your item is red is not necessarily a benefit. Don’t get the two confused.
Most expert marketers will tell you the biggest reason most
products are sold are out of fear. Fear is the biggest
motivator. People should fear losing out on Snap Delivered is that that good and life changing but we need to get the other person to believe that so they take action.
Our third main ingredient of any successful offer.——

I’m sure you have seen many of the ads on TV advertising a music CD and after telling you what a great collection of music it is they say, “But wait if you act now you’ll also receive  this collection of yodeling masterpieces from Bavaria, and also the best of Slim Whitman.”

No matter what the offer they never end the commercial without giving you an extra bottle or an extra set of knives, or an extra leisure suit – whatever.

The point is no matter what the offer they have extra bonuses.

So the third main ingredient of our  Email,
Message is to come up with an extra free bonus. This goes back to what we said about value. People see these bonuses as extra value.

Another application of this principal is the following:

Say we are not trying to sell an item but are just looking to
develop a relationship with someone for future business.

Think of it like this. The most important thing we can do in any business relationship is build rapport with the other person.
One of the very best ways to do this is to give away something that they perceive of value. This will help you build instant rapport. They will see you as someone who provides value to them – very important.

Please join us and help us help so many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.

Snap Delivered in Lexington KY Restaurant Delivery Business Opportunity Referral Video

Real quickly, today’s video about Snap Delivered,  I’m going to call a new definition of success.

This video is all about redefining success. So many people look ahead to the end result they are trying to achieve.  And when they don’t see it right away they think what they are doing doesn’t work.

Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Logo

People need to realize that success is a matter of taking the right steps everyday on a consistent basis.

So bear with me here, for example, you want to cut a tree down or, you want to dig a hole for something.  Okay, let’s say you want to make a trip. Okay, let’s take it. You’re making a thousand mile trip. Okay. Well, let’s go back to the the original tree.

Well, too many people look at success as being, the tree has been cut down. Okay, but what they lose sight of is and let’s take chainsaws out of the equation here. But let’s say they got an Axe and they hit the tree with the axe and the tree don’t fall down and hit the tree again with the ax. That tree don’t fall down it again. It didn’t fall down, didn’t hit it again, doesn’t fall down. Well, the typical person who wants to start a business, they whack. Maybe they take a half a dozen wacks  at the tree. If it didn’t fall down they say the whole process didn’t  work and they quit.

Okay. Now there are things that they can do to improve their chances or make things go faster. Like this particular case if they sharpen the axe. Which would be the equivalent of attaining additional skills would make that tree fall faster.

Check out the video below for more:


Please join us and help us help so many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.

Snap Delivered Need Help New Restaurant Delivery Macon GA Business Opportunity Video

Just keep on pushing, keep on pushing and keep on pushing, keep on pushing. Now. I played guitar for many years. And one thing I noticed over the years.
Is that, and I suppose it’s true really of any instrument or anything, you try to do.
Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Logo
You get to a certain level of proficiency. You get sort of stuck, you kind of plateau. And then to get, to the next level. You gotta push the barrier. You gotta push beyond that. And once you push beyond it all its wow,  I never used to be able to play that I could never do that before, but now I can. Heck that’s incredible. And then we get to the barrier or plateau.
You can’t seem to do it, but then you push on through. Once you push on through you get to the next level and feel great.
In this business, you’ll come across an obstacle , but you just push on through.  Sure, some people gonna say no at first, however, with Snap Delivered its rarely a Hard No. You just need to follow up. What really comes down to you contact and they show a little bit of Interest. Maybe they say no, maybe they don’t but if you just walk away, don’t follow up with them you’ll never know..
Who knows very likely. They won’t sign up. But if you just follow up a couple of times, maybe you’ll only have to follow up once, then they’re interested. That’s all it takes.
I mean with Snap Delivered it makes so much sense. You very seldom ever get just a hard No. That’s kind of the big difference.
Now, with other businesses that I’ve been involved with for  27 years now I’ve gotten a lot of hard-Nos. Sometimes, they don’t tell you hard No they just sort of and it’s kind of string you along, but, in reality, they don’t have the heart to say no.
You know, I mean, it’s just a matter of coming back to coming back coming back again. And again, if you do that, I think would be amazed at the amount of success you can have with Snap Delivered.

Please join us and help us help so many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.

Snap Delivered Myrtle Beach SC New Restaurant Delivery Opportunity See Referral Code

The importance of connecting on a personal basis with restaurants, drivers, and customers is laid out neatly in this video about Snap Delivered.
Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Logo
It’s like the old JFK quote: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
Go into any meeting whether it is  a restaurant, driver or customer thinking not they can do for you but what can you do for them.
And what is cool about how we can market due to my many years internet marketing experience is how we can learn something about our prospect prior to contacting them. Background information which ends up benefiting all involved.
Where they came from, what turns them on and more. This can easily help us build a relationship with them which ends up benefiting all parties.
Check out the video below:

Please join us and help us help so many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.

Orlando FL Snap Delivered Restaurant Food Delivery Business Opportunity

Exciting information to share with you today about Snap Delivered restaurant Delivery.  The message today is about simple. Keep it simple. There’s the old expression KISS. Keep it simple stupid, not to be derogatory towards anyone. It’s something that I’ve been guilty of. We’ve probably all been guilty of and that is how we want to try to make something overly complex.
Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Logo
And in that regard. The best way to share Snap Delivered with anyone, a restaurant is we have a simple brochure and in that brochure, the we have a simple message. Two Dollar delivery. We save the restaurant a lot of money on a two dollar delivery and there’s an additional money back income stream.. They can get money coming back, from customers and beyond that.
We get them to watch a 4 minute video. That explains it for us. Then here’s a referral link and that’s it. Once we can engage with that restaurant. We’re pretty much as good as gold. That’s the key engaging with them because once we can engage, then we can be very, very convincing  with what we have. Because what we have is very very, very impressive.
This is moving, I’m telling you, people.  I wouldn’t even be doing this. I wouldn’t be spending all this time doing this after all these years. If I didn’t see the huge, huge, huge opportunity here.
Check out the video below:

Please join us and help us help so many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

Or Scan the following QR Code:

Snap Delivered Referral Code

 For More information on if this is for you including contacting us- Click  Here.

Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.