The Video below shows why you want to be a Connect Blockbot. We look at reward distributions on a Daily basis from the Win Smart Node, The Grow Smart Node, the Revo Smart Node and the Rally Smart Nodes, USDT, USDC and more. Connect shares 20% of all sales worldwide with all the Blockbots. You’ll see this in the video below.
Note: I’m very very motivated to help you have tremendous success with this and I truly believe together we can.
Signup and get a free Wallet here and I will give you some free tokens.
Would you like to become a part-owner on what is predicted to become the hottest enterprise over the next 5 – 10 years? Are you interested in making the world better?
Would you like to be part of a community project that changes the world, and is already starting to change it in a very positive way?
Connect BlockChain Brand Video
Have you ever considered the following -those that change the world in a positive way besides feeling great about it almost always become very well to do financially.
Next Question – would you like to be a part of something now, soon to go viral before it does? We’re starring down the barrel of what by all indications will be the biggest opportunity of our lifetimes.
Already global in 158 countries.
This is going global – it already has now in 158 countries. This my friend will be huge.
Nothing in life is guaranteed, however, as people around the world analyze this virtually all indicators are looking amazingly strong. I’m on call twice a day with the Blockchain main office so things are very transparent. Many people besides myself are very jacked about the future of our BlockChain community.
And we’re smack at the beginning where its mature enough but yet only a tiny percentage of the projected growth has happened yet.
And we have a very simple to follow system to get started (no cost to get started) which any one can do and create success.
You can be a Part-Owner.
What is so cool among other things and why this is so different is the following:
You can become a part-owner of the business and reap the benefits from people around the world even if they are not connected to you. For example I benefited yesterday from people in the Netherlands and am currently benefiting to the tune of $350 (and growing) per month in only 6 months (from people in 158 countries). This is in addition to what I earn from my team, my nodes and my efforts.
Get started today. contact me for more information on getting started.
Signup and get a free Wallet here and I will give you some free tokens.
Once you do I can help contact your people and get them enrolled for you. Check out the following:
This is about the most Exciting innovation to come along in decades.
In a nutshell. As you know you make money in business when you either solve a problem or come up with a better more efficient way of doing something.
In the case of this BlockChain Technology (Internet 3.0) this not only does both but virtually all businesses would be candidates to be run this way. While also offering their customers to use them over their competition by offering them rewards, which over time could be worth something significant.
Think Bitcoin for example once worth virtually pennies now worth what $70,000.
We will be able to drive people to this Blockchain because its a better deal.
One application coming out May 1st (approximately) is the Rally conference S/W. Why would you want to use Zoom anymore when you earn rewards using this new Rally S/W.
Then There is the Rev Smart Node the world’s first blockchain integration rideshare app! Our model is REVOLUTIONARY to change the way transportation is done on a global scale. When you can earn rewards plus pay less why would you use Uber or Lyft?
One of our Co-founders has multiple companies doing over a Billion dollars a year in Revenue. (ERC, Credit Card Processing and others)
He believes what he can make here will dwarf his other businesses. That’s why he sunk $54 million of his own dollars into this. He’s been working with the top BlockChain expert in the world. He been able to see the amount of money that can be generated and while it’s not guaranteed.
I see this as one if not the only opportunity a small average Joe can lift themselves to multi-millionaire status without a huge amount of risk.