Many many years ago I had dropped out of college and after a couple years or so I found myself working as a janitor in a bank. Please don’t get me wrong as I’m not belittling janitors. Most do a great valuable service. But do you know how many hot girls are just dying to date and marry a janitor. I don’t know but there weren’t any at the large bank computer center I worked at.
And there were quite a number of young girls that worked there. After about 14 months of that I was no closer to getting a date than the first day I started. So I decided my future wasn’t in janitoring so I quit the bank and went back to school. A couple years later I got out of school and got a pretty good job where I meant my beautiful wife. Heck she approached me on the job one day.
So where is all this going well fast forward about 16 years . I was working as a S/W Engineer at Boeing. We had 2 kids at the time my wife was no longer working so instead of a second job I tried starting different businesses from home.
Because I had several failures at first people in the office would say what has crazy Jim come up with this time. Even my wife was starting to doubt me- thought I was wasting money. That is until I finally hit on something that worked.
It wasn’t fast, however, after 4 months it started taking off to the point those that had been laughing wanted to get involved. About 14 months later I had doubled my salary at Boeing working just part time. I eventually resigned from Boeing right before they shut down our facility. I have been working from home
ever since. We now live in a pretty fancy home on a golf course.something I could never have dreamed possible working as a janitor.
So what’s the point. The point is I was once an engineer I have a very analytical mind. Plus 29 years experience in marketing and just the luck of the Grace of God I’ve been exposed to some trends that most likely dominate the future.
And those that don’t laugh and get involved now stand to reap a very big harvest.
One that is poised to be very Big is Revo RideShare.
You can become involved now by clicking on the link below and
registering as an agent at no cost to you.
The RideShare above is on a mission to disrupt the whole RideShare industry.
Check out this video:
However, there is something even bigger coming much much bigger.
Something poised to become bigger than anything we might have imagined.
It is a BlockChain project the people I have been fortunate-blessed to be working
with happen to be the biggest BlockChain experts in the world. Don’t laugh
when I tell you this actually could be bigger than the internet. That’s what a number of experts are saying.
Contact me back for more on this BlockChain venture and how you
may get involved.